Monday, 25 January 2010

The Best Boat Porn I've Ever Seen!

Howards' Way - opening intro

Simply fantastic!

Look at those boats glittering in the sunlight!

Going "zoom" along the sea!

The titles of the short-lived BBC soap "Howards Way", running from 1985-1990. It's not hard to see why when you look at how times changed during those five years. It evolved around an upper-class leisure and business activity - Yachting. Back in the mid-80's and up to "Black Monday" in 1987, it was cool to be rich and upper-class, it envisaged greed and power, what was felt, and still is to a degree, to climb the career ladder. Britain had never had it so good, until oh, 9-10 years later, but that's another story. By 1990, recession was looming and soaps of the rich like the USA's "Dallas" and "Dynasty", were increasingly looking like pure fantasy.

The theme tune to "Howards' Way" does though feel rather soothing, with no vocals. You could hum to that tune easily. However, it also feels like there are vocals missing, which can easily be arranged with that fanfare-like horn/synth thingmygig.

The show is usually confused with an earlier 80's boats 'n champagne-calibre type serial, which was called "Triangle", which also starred Kate 'O Mara. The show was filmed and set in Southern England, filmed in various places along the southern coast, including Southampton. The most well-known actors to star in this, were again mentioned before, Kate 'O Mara as Laura Wilde, introduced into the show in 1989, increasing the link between Howards' Way and the high-class glamour of "Dynasty". Anthony Head (of the Maxwell "will they or won't they" 80's ads fame, and "Little Britain") starred only in the first series as Phil Norton.

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